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Special Conditions

The following special conditions for distance learning are relevant: 

  • Information systems based on technology, namely virtual attendance and learning services, must ensure accessibility to SSEN;
  • If it is not possible to ensure the accessibility conditions referred to in the previous paragraph, measures of an exceptional nature can be created to ensure that SEN students have access to content and services, examples (in Portuguese);
  • Occasional changes can be made to the contents of the curricular units and/or the activities included in them, if the characteristics of the SSEN clearly recommend it, examples (in Portuguese)
  • The person in charge of the course unit should consider and decide on the points that may be changed, as well as on the compensation measures, to apply to SSEN;
  • It is important to consider and validate the format of all materials taught in the classroom, as well as the necessary assessment conditions for SSEN, see examples in Decree-Law No. 3/2008, Order No. 7856/2019 and Regulation of the Special Educational Needs Student at the University of Lisbon (in Portuguese);
  • If a student has other needs that are not included in the information guide, it will be necessary to communicate immediately with the student and with the other stakeholders in the process already mentioned (AG, NAPE, NAPE-TP, NDA) to discuss the existing options. For a complete list of support available at IST for SEN students, see Network NEE or GTAEDES.
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