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ExonlineX @MOOC Tecnico

The module ExonlineX of MOOC Técnico platform has the option to develop online exams.


  • Only allows for IST students, registered on the course, to answer the assessments
  • Allows to define set timeframes of evaluation (by the minute)
  • Automatically generates spreadsheets with all the answers and evaluation
  • Allows different types of questions, from the basic levels of multiple-choice e value input (allowing tolerance of values), to more complex levels such as the input of mathematical expressions and chemistry formulae
  • Allows to generate random values inside each question so that each student has its own answers
  • Allows to create question libraries (randomly or not) so that each student has its own group of questions

Examples of Assessments

Example 1, Example 2, Example 3 and Example 4

User Experience

  • The 12 MOOC courses that were launched and edited (on a total of over 30 editions) on the platform MOOC Técnico, since October 2016, use different types and modalities of questions with various levels of complexity, depending on the course.
  • The evaluation-only format (ExolineX), was used as early as the school year 2019/2020 in Structural Mechanics (160 students) to the delivery of a continuous evaluation assignment and for exams of Energy Management during the recourse season (10 simultaneous users)
  • It is being tested this semester (2nd semester 2019-2020) in Aerodynamics I (150 students), Systems Control (250 students) and Manufacturing (220 students).

How to


It is needed to contact the MOOC Técnico Team ( to do so, for more information see the tutorial.

Tutorial: Teachers’ manual for the platform (June 2020’s version, in Portuguese)

Videos: Videos to learn how to use the platform and Training actions via Zoom, Carlos Santos Silva, 15 of Abril 2020 (in Portuguese) (to visualize the activation of the Google Suite account is needed)

The level of use is intermediate, as it helps to have some basic knowledge of HTML, LaTEX and to get the most functionality, Python.



Tutorial: Student’s manual for the platform (June 2020’s version, in Portuguese)


Students with Special Educational Needs

Procedure: on the Exonline manual, section 2.8: if you have to provide access to two distinct groups of students, for example, SEN students, having one of the groups the right to more response time, you should replicate the assessment version (version A and version B) and define different time-frames for each version.

It’s equally explained in this section that if you indeed have SEN students, you should create 2 Cohorts (if you have more than 10 students in this situation) or add extra time to a student individually. If you choose the Cohorts, create one for the students what will answer to version A and another group to the students that will answer to version B, with answer times different.

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